Saturday, February 26, 2011

Safari 2/16-2/18, 2011

Got to the hotel with about 30 minutes to spare before our first safari. The place we are staying at is right on the edge of the preserve and is very beautiful and kind of tropical. We had a quick lunch - strictly vegetarian food served here - and it was absolutely delicious. Our jeep pulled up and off we went - I have figured out that there is no "normal" driving in India. It is just high speed madness, and this in an open top jeep. There were usually four more people with us so we got to meet many wonderful people from all over the world. After fifteen minutes of driving through town at a crazy pace again dodging animals and vehicles we were in the preserve. We drove through on many paths - saw deer (which I can see in my front yard) and two types of antelope - one of which we had never seen before. We see monkeys and peacocks but not the elusive tiger! After three hours we head back, shower, dinner, and bed - yea, Lauren's new hours are continuing -bed at 9 - up at 6 (yes,AM) also, no television so really an adjustment!
Out at 6:30AM for our morning safari and it is cold out. The hotel provided us with blankets which had hot water bottles inside. What a treat!!
Back in the preserve, drove and drove and Lauren spotted a jackal carrying a rabbit in his mouth - breakfast! More driving and the call went out that a tiger had been spotted. We pulled up and sure enough - a tiger. We could see it even though it was in the brush - vey exciting - but Lauren wasn't satisfied -she wants to see one up close and personal!
Back for breakfast and a little shopping in the town before our afternoon safari. No tiger again but we did see a sloth bear so didn't go home empty handed. Long day - looking forward to dinner and 9PM bedtime.
Another early morning and it is a little colder outside- that hot water bottle felt great! Went to a different area of the preserve this morning and as soon as we got in we spotted a leopard lying on the cliffs next to us. This day was starting out well!! We continued driving and the guide saw tiger footprints so we knew we were close to one. Also, the monkeys and deer give warning sounds when there is a tiger in the area. All of a sudden we look over at the stream that is running along the road and the tiger is in the stream - probably 15-20 feet from us!!! It is a big, but not fully grown male tiger. As we watch, he continues to bathe and drink water in the stream. It was the most amazing experience and I am thrilled I got to share it with Lauren

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Sloth bear

Between safaris

First, a leopard--

Then, a tiger!!!!

Our guide

More guides - they had to have a picture with Lauren!

Friendly bird


Location:Ranthambore Tiger Preserve, Sawai Modhopur, India

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